Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Buddy Walk and Kinderfrogs -- Yeah!!!

The 2012 Buddy Walk is coming! This walk was created in 1995 by the National Down Syndrome Society to celebrate Down's Syndrome Awareness Month in October and to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down's syndrome.

We are gearing up for this big day again. It's even bigger for Charlie this year because my hope for him is for him to be walking by that day! I can see it now... stumbling, toddling, holding his arms out in his Nike tennis shoes, shorts and a Buddy Walk t-shirt leading the way with his Charlie's Angels walkers cheering behind him!

This is my hope and our Goal. With the help of all the wonderful therapies he's receiving at Kinderfrogs school and his undeniable determination to grow and become stronger, I think he sure could do it!

So, if you want to sign up to walk with us, please do! We need to build a team. His team was small last year but we have lots of friends who care and I think it could be much bigger this year. His team is called Charlie's Angels and you can sign up to walk or donate at

There is so much to do at the Buddy Walk (located at UTA in Arlington--and starting at 10 am) for the whole family -- the walk itself is just a part. They have music, games and activities for the kids, jump houses, food and drinks, the turn out is HUGE and the walk is a wonderful social experience for everyone!

I look forward to it every year! I hope this year will be bigger and better for Charlie and his angels!


Charlie just started school on August 10th too! He is a student at Kinderfrogs. Kinderfrogs is the school that we've been lucky enough to A. have in our "backyard -7 minutes away from our house! and B.that caters to children with Down's syndrome... it's like we were meant to have Charlie and for him to have Down's syndrome!

"Kinderfrogs School of Tarrant County is the only early-intervention educational program for children ages 18 months to 6 years with Down's syndrome and other developmental delays. It was created in 2000 in response to a 1999 appeal from the Fort Worth community and the energy and commitment of a group of dedicated parents. Currently, no other early intervention program for these children exist in Fort Worth or the surrounding area." (Kinderfrogs TCU web site)

Per the web site: "KinderFrogs serves 30 children in three classrooms and each classroom employs a teacher who has a graduate degree in Special Education and two instructional teacher assistants. The student-teacher ratio is about 3:1The College of Education at TCU is the only teacher preparation program in the United States that operates two laboratory schools in special education: Starpoint School and KinderFrogs School."

We are so very blessed to have this school available for Charlie. I was worried about turning him loose and putting him in a full time school --5 days a week-- but I finally came around to realize how important it was for Charlie and his future --as child and later as an adult. Mommy needs to allow him to learn independence at this stage in order to embrace it more and more; and before long, he'll be able to care for himself and live a life just like everyone else!

Buddy Walk and Kinderfrogs! Yeah!! 

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